Sunday, September 30, 2012

torndirrup national park - the gap, natural bridge, salmon holes

 after the wind farm we went to torndirrup national park just down the road. passed the albany regional prison - they sure have a lovely spot and gorgeous views.  we went to see some very touristy spots here and there were lots of people out because it's a 3 day weekend and the weather has been stunning.  saw the gap (a natural gap between huge rocky cliffs), natural bridge (exactly what it sounds like), and then the salmon holes (a very well loved local fishing spot and one of the most beautiful beaches here and right next to bald head hike).  i also caught a very cute lizard on camera while he was sunning himself.  it was such a great day out!  i got a lot more sun than i've been used to though and so now i am exhausted.  and poor moo missed out on her walk today but we'll have a nice long one tomorrow - supposed to be very hot!


  1. What a lovely outing you and your friends had! It's a beautiful place. Are there salmon in the salmon holes? Raymond would love fishing there. Mom

  2. yes there are white salmon there, not as good eatin as pink salmon, but the season is over for the year
