Saturday, September 29, 2012

putting up photos

finally hung a few paintings and photos. but i ran out of nails! grrr.  will continue with some more when i have time to pick nails up.   looks ok so far.  i need a level


  1. Hi Nicole -
    I love what you have done with the pictures! They are all wonderful. The 3 over the bed look just perfect now. I think the three over your tree trunk decals in the kitchen area are lovely and whimsical. The pictures look like tree-toppers! And I love the way you put up several on the nearby grey wall. The white borders of the pictures goes so well with the white trim and they pictures stand out so well against the grey wall. I also love the NZ pix in your bedroom. Is that Champagne Lake? The two pictures next to the wooden hanging balance that area so nicely and tie in with the colors of the wood. Having one be a portrait of J and M and the other being more of a scenic vista with M in it seems to tie the two pictures together. Anyway . . . you did a wonderful job. I love it! Can't wait to wander in your art gallery!
    Love and kisses from home,

  2. thanks mom! so glad you like what i've put up. the nz photo is of lake pukaki - we went there on one of our last days there. can't wait for you to be here to see them too!
