Saturday, September 22, 2012

looking for jose

miski has been very sad since jose left. she just sort of wanders around the house looking for him and i can tell she really  misses him. when i wear one of his sweatshirts she gets really excited and madly sniffs me and runs around barking. poor thing. i wish i could explain to her that he'll be back soon and not to worry. she even looked for him in the printer - just kidding - she was excited about the printer noises.  anyway as much as she misses him i miss him much much more.  it's amazing how short 3 months sounds until it begins and how easy it is to take someone for granted when you see them every day. i think we both have a renewed sense of appreciation for each other now that we're having to spend some time apart.  can't wait for december!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, lonely ones - I feel badly for you and Miski having to be there without Jose. And I also feel badly about Jose having to leave his home and his loved ones for so long. Hopefully the time will pass quickly and you will meet the goals you made and can then get back to a normal life in the same place!
