Wednesday, September 12, 2012

yay salteñas!

a great pic of jose about to tuck into a big plate of salteñas bolivianas.  we've both been craving them - well i have a special soft spot for these really.  every time jose would go play soccer in cusco i would first insist we stop by the salteñas shop and pick up at least three (with sliced lime to put on top) so i could indulge myself while he enjoyed himself.  it became our thing.  i miss them so much (and tamales but those are too hard to make) and so made up a big batch yesterday.  yum! 


  1. Hi there you two! I never had one of those. What is it? Is it a dough wrapped around some filling? Looks interesting. Maybe you can make them for us some day! In the U.S.!!

  2. they are like an empanada and yes of course i'll make you some :)
