Thursday, December 31, 2015

How is it almost 2016 already???

Where has this year gone!? Seriously this year has gone by in a flash and seems like such a blur. I'm sure it's because it's been such a busy year with so many major changes and because we are so unbelievably sleep deprived. But despite all the challenges it has also been a wonderful year. We spent half the year in Australia and the other half on California. Ryan has gone from being a sweet cuddly smoosh of a baby to a walking talking toddler with a great big personality of his own. We started the year with a 2 year old and are ending it with a 14 month old. We got Australian citizenship, sold our Australian house, moved across continents back to California, watched Ryan learn to roll, crawl, walk, talk, dance and enchant :) we spent time with family and friends, started a trekking company and explored San Diego with our little one. Even though we haven't gotten any sleep and have been very busy it has been such a pleasure to explore the world with Ryan. I love being a mommy and will always treasure my first full year of being one! Thank you Ryan for joining our family and for your sweet and loving spirit. I love you my little fox.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lunch, goats and hats!

Jose and I got to go out for a lunch date sans baby for the first time since Ryan came along! It was weird being out without him. We ate at the Prado which is one of my favs. Then later took Ryan to the zoo but it was soooo crowded we just went to the little petting zoo and saw the flamingos and tried on hats. He loved it anyway. The goats were so cute and a few were just Ryan's size. Tonight I discovered he is getting 3 molars at the same time! Poor baby.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Thank you grandma!

Thank you nanna for the amazing Australian animal prints! Ryan and I love them so much. There is a dingo, koala, kangaroo and wombat. They are so precious and perfect for my little Aussie boy. And he truly is one since he happily eats vegemite toast :) what a wonderful keepsake and chrissy present.

My smiley son

And my never smiling husband... I can't stand how unbelievably cute Ryan is in his little Patagonia down jacket!! It's been freeeeeezing here lately. Much colder than I recall it ever being in winter in so cal. So we've busted out the down gear. It's been fun actually. Ryan doesn't seem to care as long as he gets to go outside still. He's such a good walker now. He balances well and walks backwards and on uneven surfaces. He's pretty fast too. He's babbling more and more and using more words and signs. He uses more and all done signs a lot. And is so delighted that we know what he means. He points to things when I make them, including my nose. Today he touched my legs and his hands were freezing so I squealed. He thought that was hysterical and kept doing it over and over, finding new ways and places to touch my skin so I would shriek! What a funny boy. He is such a delight. I feel so very lucky to have such a smart, funny, kind, and beautiful spirit in my life. I Love you Ryan.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My baby boy is ONE!!!

How did this happen? One moment he's a tiny newborn mewing for milk and I blink and he's a toddler demanding independence! Longest nights and shortest months ever. Ryan turned one today (though really a bit earlier bc he was born in australia) and it's also my birthday of sorts too! My birthday of becoming a mommy! What a year it's been. We've had so many firsts together and today he even took his very first tiny steps! So exciting! Happy birthday Ryan. You've expanded my heart to dimensions I never knew possible and shown me how wondrous the world is again. I love you and you'll always be my little baby.

Swim with dad

Had a makeup swim class and dad went into the water this time. Nice for him and mommy got a break and got to chat with another mom! Her son doesn't sleep either. At least we are not the only ones! He loved his swim class and giggles the whole time and had no trouble with submersions. I'm so proud of him.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday swim and the park

It was a beautiful day today. And boy did it ever start early for us! Time changed back last night so we should have had an extra hour. Hahahahha. Ryan slept very well but woke at 4 (really 5 by old clock) and never really went back to sleep again. Despite that he had excellent naps today and had a blast at his new swim class. We weren't happy at the other place and this new one is great. He's super advanced in his swim skills and was laughing and showing off the whole time. He did submersion and went on his back easily today. He keeps his eyes open under water too which is rare apparently for a baby. Wonder why he does that. He loves his teacher too which is most important. He got off his rocking horse almost all by himself today which was pretty amazing. And two days ago he put his shape blocks into their specific holes all by himself!! Wow!! This afternoon we took him to the park for a romp but he was feeling sedate. We played peekaboo around the trees which he adored and watched dogs chase squirrels.

My funny bunny

Here's Ryan at the store nibbling his toes. Must have been super hungry! He's such a good eater. He loves broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato, any veggie really, chicken and beef and fish. He eats it all! If he doesn't have pants on outside he crab walks on his feet and hands instead. He's so funny. He sings along with me now at dinner! If I sing the little mermaid song where she is just saying ah ah ah with no words he does the same! Its hilarious. He loves music so much and asks for it often. It also calms him when he is upset.

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Ryan's first Halloween!

Ryan's had his very first Halloween ever! It was a rough night the night before but not to be deterred we still took Ryan to the balboa park Halloween family fair! He isn't dressed up here bc it was SO hot but he wore his dragon suit for a moment later on. Grandma and auntie Sarah joined us which was so lovely. When we got there the merry go round was going!!! I love that one so we went on first thing. Ryan and I rode a zebra. Grandma rode a zebra too and daddy rode a horse. It was SO fun but man did it go fast. Thank god I was strapped in. After that we walked down the main drag and picked up freebies at all the booths. There were so many religious booths which I found odd and out of place. But there was an atheism booth which was pretty funny. The zoo had one too and they even brought animals! We saw a hedgehog and a huge stick insect. No time for museums today but Ryan and I took a photo together in funny hats and we ate in the shade in the grass. It was a nice outing. He didn't have a second nap that day so we went to the grocery store later and read a lot of books together. When I changed his diaper and said here is your lion (toy) he roared! He knows his animals for sure. And he loves to boogie on down to some good tunes. He has the best personality and laughs and smiles all the time now. He initiates games and other activities and loves to be chased and play hide and seek and peekaboo :) he also asks for kisses now! And asks daddy and I to kiss each other. Then he laughs!

Biking with dad

Grandma came down Wednesday thank goodness and on Friday she and I went to do a few errands while Ryan and daddy went for a bike ride. He was smiling and gigging. So cute! He was showing off for grandma for sure too. Lots of doe eyes looks and flirtatious glances and showing off of standing skills. He's also now able to go down the stairs with minimal guidance which is amazing. And he's saying lots and lots of mamamama!! Music to my ears. And dadadada and babababa. He definitely has a few more words and his comprehension is incredible. He can follow simple one step commands easily now!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

One of those days. I'm

Ryan had a great day. Great naps and lots of fun. Me not to much. I'm so tired and have had several days where I haven't had time to breath let alone sit down. Im so tired that I 1) left my purse in the shopping cart at the store in the parking lot and drove away. Thank god I noticed right away. 2) left my phone somewhere and someone had to find me to tell me. 3) fell down the stairs bc I wasn't paying attention and and clumsy when tired and have really messed up my already injured shoulder. Of course on the side I hold Ryan on. 4) I need a root canal. So an awesome day. Thank goodness for my little ray of sunshine. He reminds me that no matter how crappy things can be sometimes that it is totally worth every moment. But man do i need sleep. Ryan went to Gymboree again today and climbed up a ladder that's for much older kids!! And did it well!! He also rocked the entire big boat by himself!! And at home he's started going down stairs by himself too! Unreal

Grandmas visit

Grandmas here! Ryan hasn't see her in ages so it's been fun having her here. Also she brought him super cute pandas from China! And a fluffy wooly for his bday. What a lucky boy! He crawled and rolled all over the wooley and has been showing off for her- laughing a lot and playing peekaboo and showing her all his toys. It is very sweet. He rocks the rocking horse all by himself really well now and stands alone a lot more and for longer. Cruising is a cake walk for him too! He understands lots of words and commands now too. Sarah asked him to get his duck and pointed and he grabbed it for her (it was far away under furniture) and then asked him to get his ball that was under the hall table and didn't point and he got it too! So amazing. He also has more words. He says bah for books now and a few others I've blanked on. Grandma got to see him at Gymboree too which was super fun. He is so good at climbing now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Teething is the worst!

Ryan is still teething and instead of abating I swear it's just getting worse. Last night he needed to nurse four times and was up for 1-2 hours twice. It was awful. And today he refused to nurse a few times. This evening he just screamed when I tried to nurse him before bed. He wanted to drink the entire cup of cold water and chew on the cup before he was calm enough to nurse. Yikes. But it does mean that I get great cuddle time with him before bed while I sing him lullabies to help him feel better. Today his regional Center teacher came to work with him and he had so much fun! He loves her and even gave her a kiss which was his very own idea. He laughed a lot with her and I think was showing off :) he demonstrated great fine and gross motor skill and following simple directions and joint attention and parallel play. He grabbed a small pumpkin by its tiny stem and lifted it up and down easily. Dad helped him show off a new skill - stepping up into the couch when dad says arriba and sliding back down feet first when dad says abajo! So incredible!! I had no idea he could do that!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Carving our first pumpkin together!

This afternoon Ryan and I went onto the back patio and carved our big pumpkin!! This is Ryan's very first pumpkin carving and Halloween experience and like everything else he just takes it in stride and loves every minute of it! Like yesterday when we gave him his first ever bite of pickle. He just ate it without any change of expression! And went back for more. Such a good eater!! Ryan loved helping scoop out the pumpkin seeds though he kept putting them back in after dad pulled them out which was cute. He loved it when I put the candle in and turned off the light to. He continues to ask for songs by starting to dance. He asks for books and games and repeats of things by pointing and vocalising. He kisses us when we ask for one which is the very very best ever. And he knows lots of other words and phrases. He even asks for hide and seek and peek a boo and chase me games by initiating them. He chats up a storm and is just a constant joy.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sea world!

After Ryan's second nap we couldn't decide what to do. Should we go to the park, carve our pumpkin, or go to sea world! Well sea world won and we spent about an hour there. We got annual passes so we can go anytime we want! So exciting. We took Ryan to play in the reef pools which he adored, to see the Dolphins which he wasn't as into, to see the orcas, and then to some aquariums. He loved that the best. He cried when the sea lions barked for fish :( poor little guy. It was a very big day for a little boy.

More pumpkin patch fun

Ryan also loved looking through the scarecrows face, going into the petting zoo and petting the goats and chickens and eating his very own lunch of mac n cheese at Ruby's :) he's been super chatty and smiley today, babbling non stop and pointing at everything. His eighth tooth is coming in on the bottom left which has been bugging him but is almost out now!

Ryan's first pumpkin patch visit!

Today we took Ryan to the pumpkin station in mission valley. It was small but very cute and convenient for a quick trip with a little one. He absolutely loved the pumpkins and had so much fun banging on them. He wasn't a huge fan of his dragon costume because it was so hot but he sure looked cute in it!! I can't wait to take him to a real pumpkin farm next year :)

Swimming and funky town

Yesterday Ryan had his swim class and this time he had a blast! He was totally into it, giggling and splashing and showing off. It was awesome. He went on his back for the first time without crying and even let the teacher hold and submerge him without a fuss. He didn't cry when she screeched in his face either which was amazing. When she passed out kick boards he didn't like his and asked for the turtle one by pointing and yelling at it. Very effective. Once he got used to it he was totally into it and laughed all the way and watched for Jose watching him. So much fun! Then on the way home funky town was on the radio and Ryan starting really dancing up a storm. So now we know he likes retro 70s dance music. He also loves techno that he heard in the Apple Store.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Today was a difficult day. We're bit getting much sleep lately, the house is a total mess, my head neck back and shoulders hurt, and we are all just pretty shattered in general. Ryan's doing pretty well but Jose and I are about to fall face first in our cereal bowls! Anyway Ryan didn't nap this afternoon so we took him to the zoo and saw some tortoises and other reptiles, porcupines and then got to pet some very cute goats! One tried to nibble Ryan's toes. I don't blame him, they do look pretty delicious! I got a zebra dress and Ryan got a little stuffed snake at the gift store. The entire zoo was overrun with kids from schools today. It was mayhem! Ryan continues to practice standing alone with arms raised in triumph and doing calf lifts. It's so cute.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Don't have a pic for today's updates either so I thought I'd post this old one from last week. My little lounge lizard has started smooching his toys and books!! His most favourite thing to kiss at the moment are the babies in his baby ways book. He kisses each baby on each page and then kisses himself in the mirror at the end. It is SO cute! And tonight at bath time be was so giggly and happy, playing games with me and banging toys together. Asking for songs and for me to put things on my head. Then at the end, post massage and pjs he put out his hand for me to wash clean of the oil I use! First time he's ever done that! He knows the routine and knows hand washing comes last. It was so amazing :) today he also had a PT eval via regional center with a lovely lady. He adored her and she's going to help him strengthen his right side a bit which is nice. All milestones on track!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Sadly didn't get a photo of it but the sky yesterday was pretty stellar. Today Ryan has had trouble sleeping and difficult naps. He's been very rambunctious and happy though and into absolutely everything. This afternoon he stood up with one little hand on my knee and then suddenly let go and raised his hands into the air as if to say "I'm the champion!" And he stayed there for a few beats and then sat down and then did it again. He's done it several times today already and each time he looks surprised that he's standing alone and then so so proud of himself and filled with joy. It's so fun to watch. He's also been doing calf exercises- going up and down on his tippee toes.