Monday, October 26, 2015

Carving our first pumpkin together!

This afternoon Ryan and I went onto the back patio and carved our big pumpkin!! This is Ryan's very first pumpkin carving and Halloween experience and like everything else he just takes it in stride and loves every minute of it! Like yesterday when we gave him his first ever bite of pickle. He just ate it without any change of expression! And went back for more. Such a good eater!! Ryan loved helping scoop out the pumpkin seeds though he kept putting them back in after dad pulled them out which was cute. He loved it when I put the candle in and turned off the light to. He continues to ask for songs by starting to dance. He asks for books and games and repeats of things by pointing and vocalising. He kisses us when we ask for one which is the very very best ever. And he knows lots of other words and phrases. He even asks for hide and seek and peek a boo and chase me games by initiating them. He chats up a storm and is just a constant joy.

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