Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Teething is the worst!

Ryan is still teething and instead of abating I swear it's just getting worse. Last night he needed to nurse four times and was up for 1-2 hours twice. It was awful. And today he refused to nurse a few times. This evening he just screamed when I tried to nurse him before bed. He wanted to drink the entire cup of cold water and chew on the cup before he was calm enough to nurse. Yikes. But it does mean that I get great cuddle time with him before bed while I sing him lullabies to help him feel better. Today his regional Center teacher came to work with him and he had so much fun! He loves her and even gave her a kiss which was his very own idea. He laughed a lot with her and I think was showing off :) he demonstrated great fine and gross motor skill and following simple directions and joint attention and parallel play. He grabbed a small pumpkin by its tiny stem and lifted it up and down easily. Dad helped him show off a new skill - stepping up into the couch when dad says arriba and sliding back down feet first when dad says abajo! So incredible!! I had no idea he could do that!!

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