Thursday, October 29, 2015

Grandmas visit

Grandmas here! Ryan hasn't see her in ages so it's been fun having her here. Also she brought him super cute pandas from China! And a fluffy wooly for his bday. What a lucky boy! He crawled and rolled all over the wooley and has been showing off for her- laughing a lot and playing peekaboo and showing her all his toys. It is very sweet. He rocks the rocking horse all by himself really well now and stands alone a lot more and for longer. Cruising is a cake walk for him too! He understands lots of words and commands now too. Sarah asked him to get his duck and pointed and he grabbed it for her (it was far away under furniture) and then asked him to get his ball that was under the hall table and didn't point and he got it too! So amazing. He also has more words. He says bah for books now and a few others I've blanked on. Grandma got to see him at Gymboree too which was super fun. He is so good at climbing now.

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