Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday swim and the park

It was a beautiful day today. And boy did it ever start early for us! Time changed back last night so we should have had an extra hour. Hahahahha. Ryan slept very well but woke at 4 (really 5 by old clock) and never really went back to sleep again. Despite that he had excellent naps today and had a blast at his new swim class. We weren't happy at the other place and this new one is great. He's super advanced in his swim skills and was laughing and showing off the whole time. He did submersion and went on his back easily today. He keeps his eyes open under water too which is rare apparently for a baby. Wonder why he does that. He loves his teacher too which is most important. He got off his rocking horse almost all by himself today which was pretty amazing. And two days ago he put his shape blocks into their specific holes all by himself!! Wow!! This afternoon we took him to the park for a romp but he was feeling sedate. We played peekaboo around the trees which he adored and watched dogs chase squirrels.

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