Thursday, June 21, 2012

What a dork

No idea what got into Miski last night. Either she was too tired to jump in the chair or she wanted attention. Or both. She likes clean linen, pillows, being hand fed and pampered. Princess. I don't do those things though...always. Just most of the time and until jose gets fed up and then laughs at both of us. It was cold last night but today was very pretty and hopefully the weekend will be nice. I'm ready for it after this week. Hope all of you are well! Miss everyone back in the states tons and tons. Or as they say here...heaps and heaps xo

1 comment:

  1. Miski looks like she can't make up her mind. She's half on and half off? Maybe she wants
    to be 'carried to bed'. You're right - she
    is a true Princess!
