Sunday, June 3, 2012

sunrises and car shows!

After such a great day yesterday it was hard to imagine having another great day this weekend. slept in today and when i peeked outside i saw an amazing sunrise. ran outside, hair sticking up, in my socks and pj's and got a few shots but unfortunately missed the pinkest colors.  it is so weird that the sun rises so late here - that picture was taken at 7:15. anyway then we played with the dogs and headed to the annual (and very long running) albany classic motor car show.  it used to be an actual full throttle race but now with safety concerns these days (pshaw) they have made it more dainty.  anyway it was a gorgeous day and the cars were shiny and colorful.  We wandered around the booths selling wares and food and took snaps of the cars and watched a couple of races. they went SO fast!  especially the older, littler ones. amazing.  one car was from 1927...that blows my mind.  headed home and talked about all our house renovation plans (pipe dreams) and played with the dogs outside and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. jose made us amazing chicken, quinoa, kale soup that even miski loved. still trying to talk mom and ray into visiting us at christmas - help me out guys! all albany photos

1 comment:

  1. Hi there -
    What a fun event! The BB car show does not include race cars or a race event. The old little red one, blue one, and yellow ones are very cute. I love your sunset pictures. Just beautiful. And the ones of Miski toting his load are very cute. His pack is like a weighted vest for kids with 'sensory issues'! Love, Mom
