Sunday, June 24, 2012

great sunday - garage sales, 3D movie, soccer, and sushi!

can't get a whole lot better than today. true, it was absolutely frigid this morning but it turned out to be a beautiful, warm, golden day by mid morning. a lovely sunday all round.  started it off by getting some pretty cool stuff at garage sales. then we took miskers to the oval for a play in the grass, which she absolutely loved. we had the whole place to ourselves.  then we went to the fish markets and grabbed some beautiful fresh fish, fresh turkish bread (yum), oh and some chocolate croissants and fresh smoothie for good measure. we relaxed at home for a little bit and then went to the local movie theater to see 3D.  talk about awesome - the theater was super comfy with big, cushy seats with drink holders.  jose bought the biggest drink and pop corn they had and we chomped throughout what turned out to be a hilarious film. and now we have 3d glasses! bonus!  Miski and i watched jose play soccer with this afternoon with some other old fogeys and then came home to make beautiful fresh sushi for dinner and grilled chicken sandwiches on turkish bread for tomorrow's lunch.  phone is still broken...very annoying. so no pics yet.


  1. Hello Nicole and Jose -
    Sounds like a lovely day. How does Jose like
    seeing films in theaters? So far you have been living in places that did not have movie theaters.
    You get the movies very fast over there in Albany. That movie was just released in the States on June 22nd. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. hi!
    jose enjoys it very much and it was such a nice and comfy theater too! it is such a treat to have access to luxuries like this again :) love you
