Monday, June 4, 2012

bald head hike and whales!!!

today we were both tired after nursing sick miski all evening and then listening to her pad around all night. poor thing. she's fine now but we woke up tired. somehow i still talked jose into going for a hike because the day was so incredibly beautiful.  we drove to torndirrup national park to do the bald head hike (16 kms round trip).  well we only intended to do part of it and ended up doing about half which was fun.  it starts as you walk up some sandy paths through bushland with pretty banksia and other native trees around.  then as you reach the first peak you come to a huge granite rock face to scramble up where you get stunning views of salmon hole beach and back to albany over the bay.  we kept going up a few more peaks and got beautiful views of both sides of the peninsula.  at one point we kept hearing this splat like sound and i figured it was a boat hitting the waves but when we got up to the top again it was whales breaching!  so we stopped for a rest, a snack, and whale-watching.  it was pretty spectacular even from so far away.  they put on a great show.  the beaches and water scenes are absolutely stunning.  i love being able to hike again finally!  see more photos here


  1. How exciting! Seeing the whales. Next time bring
    your binoculars. Your second picture down of the narrow land mass with water on both sides, looks rather like the back of a whale. You do have many great places to hike in Albany!

  2. good idea - we need to get some binoculars for that. glad you liked the photos :)
