Saturday, June 30, 2012

goode beach

it was stunning today!  we went garage sale shopping...pretty ho hum if you ask me.  down here people sell stuff i'd throw in the trash instead of decent items. anyway also bought an amazing, super comfy couch and rug for the new house and then took the dog out to goode beach, a dog beach at the end of frenchman bay. i could not believe it when we got there - nobody else there and it was absolutely stunning.  the water was crystal clear, clean, blue and green. The sky was a beautiful blue with perfect clouds and the sand was again the blazingly white, incredibly powdery and soft, squeaky clean variety we see down here. in fact, whenever miski would run it literally squeaked beneath her feet.  incredible. she had a blast ripping around in the sand and the water.  she was naughty and bothered a few people who walked by but...if you walk on a dog beach you should probably make sure you like dogs.  anyway jose tried fishing with no luck. we had a beautiful picnic with yummy snacks, hot tea, and later some great italian wine.  a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Did I tell you we saw a Frenchman's Bay in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Isle in Maine! Those Frenchies got around!
