Sunday, January 23, 2011

lazy saturday and brooke in town!

we had a great, lazy saturday and then brooke drove up and we all had dinner together at emmett's place. he cooked up some incredible chicken kabobs that i need to duplicate someday. it was fantastic - great food, great wine, great company. after dinner jose and i joined our friend jamie at the local pub to watch the Asia cup game (Australia vs Iraq). talk about a cultural experience. wow. anyway the boys had fun drinking beer and becoming frustrated at the lack of progress in the game. they had to go into double overtime but australia finally directed a goal just beyond the keepers reach. so that was a very positive end to a great evening! i actually slept in until 8:30 this morning which is absolutely unheard of. here's to a lazy sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely day. You two gals look very happy. Love, Mom
