Saturday, January 15, 2011

finally got ourselves a fishy!

went to broome for work and emmett and jose met us all down here on friday. had an awesome bbq friday night, a lovely day of shopping and garage sale-ing saturday morning and a great brunch in town. then we headed off to the broome jetty for a bit of a fish. wasn't looking good there - all our neighboring fishermen were catching pretty good looking fish but we had nothing. when they left we took over their spot and within 10 minutes got ourselves some dinner! very exciting. i felt bad for the fish but i'm excited to eat him tonight nonetheless.  jose and i caught him together! check out more photos here

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations on getting your first Australian fish! And such a big one. What a thrill. The sunset pictures are gorgeous and the light green insect is very colorful. Looks like a grasshopper. Love, Mom
