Sunday, January 23, 2011

chasing a storm

i know i keep saying this but each storm keeps getting even stronger than the last and is more incredible than the ones before.  i went for a walk with miski today around 5pm. the usually salty, dry, dirty marsh had become an ocean. it was spectacular. the bridge that usually houses a wee bit of water trickling under it had become a full fledged river where the dogs can swim. you could see storm clouds brewing on the horizon. i ran home to get the camera and jose. jose didn't want to go as far as i did so i ran back again to the bridge, taking photos. well i got caught on the way back in the beginning of the downpour and the winds were so strong it was actually kind of scary. i love the storms and the sky here but i was sad to discover that our backyard has become flooded with this particular rain (never happened before) and now miski cannot sleep outside tonight...should be an interesting evening. we have about 1/2 a meter of space for her to pee outside. poor thing. anyway check out the rest of these amazing photos.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nicole - That is amazing, and scary. Next time, don't wander so far from home when a storm is coming. Remember Dorothy in Kansas! I hope your house does not become inundated with the water. Love, Mom
