Sunday, January 23, 2011

impropmtu trip up the gibb river road

we had eggs and pancakes for breakfast this morning, a nice treat! got a call from emmett inviting us to take a little drive up the gibb. we jumped on board for that right away and tried to get to may river but the road was too boggy at the end and we couldn't risk getting stuck.  so we kept going up the gibb a bit more and came to what you see in the photos above - heaps of water cascading over the road from a flooded plain to the right. the water was unbelievably hot but we had a blast running through it and generally being immature. miski loved it which is nice because she is normally afraid of water. this was just enough to be fun without being scary for her. really fun afternoon! sadly miski got car sick or something and had a bit of a barf a few times. poor girl. i guess no more car trips for her...  but emmett and brooke took it in stride and i discovered that i am totally ok to clean up all kinds of vomit if it's my own doggy child. we played fun category car games on the way there and back. now miski is safely tucked away at home having a snooze while it rains outside. nice lazy sunday  see way more photos here:  also under Derby 2011 under albums

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