Thursday, January 27, 2011

happy australia day and running in the pindan

australia day was yesterday (26 of Jan), though many call it invasion day. anyway it's a bit like our fourth of july except more "bogan." that is apparently equivalent to trailer trash. so that's fun! i had the day off and was totally unproductive. i read a book all day and miski napped with me on the couch between walks on the marsh.  so cute.  that evening jose and i went to a potluck party at a co-workers house and had a blast! my bogan name is shaniqua and jose's is jamario.  we even got honorary australia tattoos (fake).   then today, a bit rough around the edges, we went for a run on the marsh with miski! after all the beautiful, cool rain we've had here it was unbearably hot in the sun today.  we had a lovely, sweaty, pindan-y run and then went home for some leftovers. pindan is the name of the red earth here.  we have loads of video of miski running, rolling, shaking paws on the Derby 2011 Album so happy australia day everyone!

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