Sunday, January 16, 2011

fish for dinner and then hungry hungry hippos and other games broke out!

after our successful fishing expedition (well one fish), we took a little nap and then went back to brooke and ash's place for dinner with their neighbors. ash made the fish up with soy, garlic, ginger, and salt. and it came out beautifully! we had loads more food and fantastic mango daiquiris courtesy of jose for the recipe. we all got a bit boozed and that's when the game show games came out! started playing games from the cube and then finished off with the beat the star ending of predicting when toast would pop up. but the highlight of the night for me was when hungry hungry hippos was brought out. i LOVE that game! i walloped a few people and so did jose so we had a face off and annoyingly he beat me at a game he'd only played that night...and that i grew up playing. irritating. anyway that was good fun. totally want to move to broome

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole and Jose -
    Your fish looks delicious! And the frog on your doorstep is such an interesting color! Looks like a good time was had by all at the dinner party. Congrats to Jose on winning the hippo game! Love, Mom
