Sunday, April 29, 2012

i wish i did this all weekend

what a week!  trying to get everything done for the office and my caseload and then there was ANZAC day of course mid-week.  great to have a holiday but not great for getting my work done.  i spent my anzac day fun...not. and then madly orienting the new locum while trying to also finish up my handover documents and other various things to tie up.  oh well.  i did get a little nap with miski, which was lovely. but most of the weekend was spent nursing a terrible headache and cleaning every nook and cranny of this house. talk about an ordeal. after only two months here - it's amazing where pindan dust goes.  we're pretty much ready to roll now but miski is freaking out - very anxious and will be until she gets into the car to go early tuesday morning. just one more day of work and errands to go and then we're camping to albany! 

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