Saturday, April 21, 2012

getting set to move in a week!

 well our move date is almost here...just 9 days away.  it feels like just yesterday i still had two months left!  where did the time go?  we had a great day yesterday in broome and at our friends house last night (see post below) and today we've been madly packing and sealing and labeling boxes for the moving van that comes tomorrow.  yikes!  i'm not ready yet!  also having our going away bbq tonight with a bunch of friends. i'm so bad at goodbyes...they make me really sad.  so for our move we got all our gear, the esky above, and have this huge pile in our living room of all the stuff to be moved down south by the moving van.  we came to derby with 4 bags of clothes....and are leaving with about 35 boxes worth of???? not sure. we even had a garage sale and got rid of TONS of stuff. unreal what you can accumulate in 18  months.  anyway we have a huge pile of stuff to go in the car too - and on top - plus us and a dog.  should be interesting.  and fun!  check out our awesome new car awning! i never knew these existed until we moved out here. but now that i've looked i see they sell them in the us too. who knew? i highly recommend them.  portable shade.  

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