Thursday, April 19, 2012

miski and mango at the golf course

miski and mango have become the best of puppy friends. and though mango is already better behaved than miski (she's only 5 months old) i try to console myself with the knowledge that miski is likely brain damaged from fetal alcohol syndrome.  or it could be my laziness.  either way - they love to play and rough house together and today callum and i took the dogs to the golf course for a romp. miski was in heaven - she loves grass, grass clippings and tackling mango, oh and running into peoples golf games and chasing boab nuts.  the dogs went swimming in the murky ponds at the back of the golf course which left them very very muddy, dirty and stinky.  it was a bittersweet doggy playdate though because it was the last time the dogs get to play together before we move out of town. callum and caitlin (mango's parents) left for a lovely holiday after that and aren't back in town before we leave for our new adventure in albany.  we're really going to miss them, but hopefully i'll convince them to move down there...or at least come for a holiday! we start our very long road trip next tuesday the 1st of may. sad to leave friends but excited about camping on the way and seeing the southwest! 

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