Tuesday, April 10, 2012

gnylmarung camping over easter weekend

talk about awesome.  i'm so glad we got to experience this place before we leave town.  too bad we didn't know about it last year.  our friends found out about this camp spot that allows pets and we jumped at the chance to spend easter weekend camping at the beach with miski and friends. the community is called gnylmarung (pronounced nulmarong i think). it's up the cape leveque road (turnoff just past broome) about 20kms past the beagle bay turnoff and then down another dirt track for quite a while until you hit the ocean. we were given a great, private, shady camp spot with an ocean view. talk about heaven. the people were lovely and even with several people staying there we often had the beach entirely to ourselves.  miski became very comfortable swimming in the ocean, no longer showing signs of distress when in deep water.  we took walks and swam about 4-6 times a day. one of the best things about this place is that there are no crocs here because the water is too clean and clear.  we basically spent the weekend napping, eating, walking, swimming, exploring the tide pools, fishing, reading, and generally relaxing.  it was wonderful.  the only downside was the intense heat, the insane number of mozzies (i think i have about 200 bites), and the torrential downpour the first night.  one very nice local woman gave us a "pity" fish because we were unable to catch any...it was a coral trout and was the best fish i've ever had in my life. we cooked it whole, stuffed with garlic, onion, chili, and lime over smouldering coals. we also made beef roast, roasted veggies, avocado/tomato salad, and had easter eggs for dessert :) miski got to play with her best friend mango and i got to practice my 4 wheel driving skills! what a great weekend holiday.  see more photos - mainly of miski and the beach and the critters i spotted in the tide pools in the album linked here

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nicole and Jose -
    What a wonderful Easter campout in such a special place. It looks like you have the world and the ocean for your own back yard. I see Miski enjoyed it immensely!
    Love and hugs from Mom
