Sunday, March 25, 2012

quarry camping!

talk about an absolutely amazing weekend! our good friends in town told us about this place and showed me a picture. i couldn't believe i'd never heard of it before.  we decided to go out camping with them this weekend to the same place - an abandoned quarry up the windjana gorge turnoff just before fitzroy crossing.  it has been raining a fair bit here so the road into the quarry was liquid mud...we got to test our our new car's 4 wheel drive and my skills driving it. it was a bit scary but also kind of fun. i wish i'd gotten a picture of the car - it was absolutely covered in mud!  we got there early on saturday morning and had the entire place to ourselves the whole weekend.  the dogs (miski and mango) had the best time ever.  the quarry fills with rainwater in the wet season and is one of the few places you can swim without fear of crocs.  so we made use of that multiple times during the day.  it was absolutely gorgeous.  had great camp food, great conversation, great company, and a lovely relaxing time.  a bull ran into our camp towards dusk and miski went crazy - chased him off - which is pretty incredible because he was huge!  it was a very steamy, humid, drizzly night so it was hard to sleep because of the heat, but the next day was gorgeous and clear and we had a lovely swim, a great breakfast and headed for home a bit earlier than expected because the dogs were completely pooped out and had sore paws from all the running and playing.  miski even went swimming a few times!!  for some incredible scenery click on the quarry camping album

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