Friday, March 23, 2012

we're moving to albany!!!

i am SO excited!  i just found out i got the job i wanted down in albany (western australia), which is 3200kms / 2000miles from where we currently live. it's also apparently awesome...i mean check out the photos.  it has some of the most beautiful beaches (dog beaches too!), hiking (bibbulman track), national parks (sterling ranges, etc), farmers market, cafes, cycling, kayaking, camping, whale watching, and you get the picture. i have to say as much as i love and will miss the kimberley - albany looks like it has a lot more of the activities i love.  here's hoping i do a good job and that jose and i love it there!  i know miski will. it'll be a lot colder too...finally get to break out my jackets! think we'll be there in May this year.

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