Thursday, March 31, 2011

a snapshot of broome (with sarah!)

so broome was amazing.  sarah and i got to really experience some serious luxury while we were there. got in very early on wednesday. sadly 12 mile was closed that day but that meant we got to eat at ra ra's which was spectacular and had a bali appropriate.  our food was delicious and the atmosphere amazing.  we then did some shopping around town. i got jose two great shirts and nothing for myself.  how unusual!  though i did put in an order for a fab dress (shhhh).  and i found what i want for my birthday...which i am telling jose about of course :)  then we went to our hotel a bit early (bali hai) and were treated to the lap of luxury. we had a free upgrade to a two bedroom deluxe villa.  it was amazing.  we then went to the spa and got two for one deals on massages. i had a 90 min deep tissue massage that i fell asleep during.  sarah had a pearl paradise package.  heaven. when done we cleaned up and went out to see the sunset at gantheume point.  beautiful as always, it was swarming with dragon flies.  freaked sarah out, but i can't say anything since she defended me the spiders as i squealed in fright on the joonjoo trail.  anyway had a lovely time there and then went to azuki for the best asian meal i've had in ages! we got tazmanian salmon sushi, prawn and corn gyozas with citrus dipping sauce and pumpkin and tofu tempura soup.  for dessert it was flourless chocolate cake with black sesame seed ice cream and i was in total heaven.  good thing i do not live here - i would be completely broke.  went back to the hotel and watched my kitchen rules, and passed out early!  next day we ate at kool spot which was awesome. then showed her cable beach where there were lots of tiny jelly fish out and about.  nothing scary or anything. just cute!  then i dropped her at the airport. she was going to melbourne and then back home after that. what an amazing couple of days with her!  so sad to see her go. it was such a treat to see a bit of home out here in the kimberley.  see many many more photos here Derby 2011

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you girls had a well-deserved relaxing time. Love, Mom
