Friday, March 18, 2011

4 Wheel Drive Course!

i got to take a four wheel drive course for work. was one day of theory and then a practical day! super awesome!  it was a beautiful, hot day and we got to go through mud and sand and over hills and into boggy areas.  the tides were up so we were treated to "beach" like views along the way.  absolutely stunning vistas and i love off roading, always have.  i even got to do it in a manual car and did great so that's exciting!  i also found a beautiful beetle when other people got themselves bogged and we were waiting to snatch them out, etc.  sad thing is on the second leg of the course (another area) the car died so we had to tow it back to town and miss out on black soil avoidance and more mud running. oh well another time.  can't wait to get out there and try it again!  many more photos here Derby 2011

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