Monday, March 21, 2011

miski chillin on the patio and fitzroy floods

i looked outside one morning and there she was, just hangin in the chair. how cute!  fitzroy has been flooded for some time - as is most of east kimberley region.  this is an aerial view of the flooded catchment. noonkenbah looks like an island...but it's not. it's usually surrounded by marsh land and a couple rivers. we're even cut off from broome and halls creek now too. we're stuck! no more food really left in the grocery stores and i am getting cabin fever...i need a broome trip soon :)  more photos here Derby 2011


  1. Hi Nicole and Jose -
    I hope you planned ahead and stocked up your pantry with canned goods and food for Miski. I hope the water will recede soon. Also - isn't the rainy season supposed to be coming to and end about now?
    From mom, who is worrying about you!

  2. don't worry, we don't live there in that little community. we are all stocked up, enough for weeks! we have flashlights, candles, matches, camping stoves, food for miski. we are all set! yes rainy season is supposed to end soon...but it's the wettest one on record i think.
