Tuesday, March 29, 2011

joonjoo trail

second day in derby for sarah: i woke up late (very unlike me) and we had some coffee and then headed out to find the joonjoo trail. first we stopped at the prison boab tree which is in full bloom right now. it was beautiful. then started on the red trail at joonjoo.  we saw wallabies in the wild, lots of birds and lots of beautiful insects.  there were also tons of spiders across the trail which was incredibly difficult for me to handle so i made sarah go first. what a wimp i am...anyway it was great and miski had a ball.  came back and showered and went to jila for lunch. yum! we rested and blobbed out the rest of today and now are planning to go to the jetty at sunset for drinks and then to emmett's for his going away bash/curry night. i can't believe he's leaving!!!! tomorrow sarah and i are going to broome to stay in a posh resort and shop til we drop. can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Hello girls - Looks like you had a fun day on the trail. Hope you had fun in Broome shopping til you dropped. What's this about Emmett? Why is he leaving? I thought he was a permanent worker in Derby. Love, Mom
