Saturday, March 12, 2011

welcome to derby day 2011

had such a great weekend so far!  i played with miski most of friday afternoon and then we had a nice dinner together at home and met emmett and brooke for drinks at his place.  went over to the spini (local pub round the corner from us) to hear Abandon play and say goodbye to the iconic pub. it's being demolished and rebuilt (hopefully soon).  should be pretty cool actually. right now it's kind of a hole.  the party was fun though and so many people came out!  so funny to be in a bar with tons of people and recognize more than 75% of them.  tiny towns are funny like that.  and kind of incestuous. anyway today we woke up early and checked for garage sales (none, sniff), bought a freshly baked loaf of bread at the bakery down the street from us, made breakfast, played with the puppy, took a nap, made yummy lunch, watched a silly movie and then went with brooke and emmett to welcome to derby day! how fun! the shire put it on and there were lots of local stalls there with freebies, information, complete with free drinks and raffles! we didn't win anything but it was so fun and nice to see...all of the same people again from the night before...most of them with nasty hangovers :)  all set for a night in tonight and a lazy sunday on the jetty!  more photos in Derby 2011

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