Saturday, November 6, 2010

storms, sunsets, cooking, dinner parties!

So kind of more of the same. It's a bit of a one horse town so we spend a lot of time down by the jetty watching the sunset with a beer or a glass of wine. Lovely really. And we spend a lot of time cooking meals from scratch because food is expensive here, especially to eat out, and there aren't a lot of restaurants to choose from (3 i think).  We recently had another dinner get together with friends from work and had an absolute blast.  We've been swimming and moving furniture around to suit our taste. We also went on a walk for a free breakfast put on by the town shire (rec center), met a lot of nice people, and scoped out where all the ripe mangoes were hiding in town.  We've added more photos to our derby album (link under photos or on the right under albums or here:

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