Wednesday, November 24, 2010

more food, broome visit

well it seems that most of our time is spent cooking, eating, and taking pictures of it. I need to join a gym asap! anyway we had a fabulous left over curry dinner the other night with a Mediterranean salad to match. I went down to Broome for work for two nights and got put up in this unbelievable hotel.  While work was pretty busy and I got a lot done and got to see some good speechies down there...I also made time to swim in the beautiful pool there, enjoy some touristy spots, have some great dinners and such. Sadly I missed Emmett's bday - happy birthday emmett!!!!! - and Claire is sorely missed.  Drove back from Broome today and saw lots of weird looking cows, huge termite mounds, and beautiful rivers. Got home and jose made a great meal for us which was really appreciated! Pics still added to the end of the Derby album


  1. Hi from home! The red rocks are beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures. And the hotel room is FABULOUS! I love the bathtub! Maybe I can stay there sometime. You look beautiful and happy sitting on the rocks with the ocean in the background.
    Love and hugs,
