Saturday, November 27, 2010

fishing and puppies!

yesterday we got to skype the whole family (both in peru and in the states) and I got to see the thanksgiving dinner going on full force without me :( last night we went to a wonderful dinner party and then this morning headed off to have a go at fishing! we went at low tide and didn't have any luck sadly. caught several crabs but they were too small to eat really. jose also caught a sea snake! that was exciting. we saw lots of birds and cute mud skippers and jose had his first go at driving a car! he did really well and we'll start doing more of that soon.  even though we left empty handed we had a really fun day and then went to grab the new puppy in town who needs a home...guess who wants to keep him (her actually i think)!  I want to name her happy or noodle. we took her to the pool and had a lovely swim and now are relaxing at home.  fantastic weekend as usual. puppy adoption to be decided....

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