Tuesday, November 30, 2010

crazy storms and kangaroo curry

well we had an amazing weekend full of fishing, swimming, cooking, etc.  sunday evening, as I was cookin up some kangaroo curry and freshly baked bread, the wind started to howl and lighting was flashing every few seconds.  it took quite some time to get the rain pouring down but eventually we got dumped on too. it was really exciting but i am super glad we weren't outside walking at that time. a co-worker was out on the marsh and almost got hit by a tumbling piece of corrugated tin about 7 feet wide and 5 feet tall. yikes! the local bar lost its roof too...happily our place is new and built to withstand a class 3 cyclone or more.  kangaroo curry and bread turned out lovely.  back to the grindstone this week...and it's been a rough one so far. 

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