Sunday, November 21, 2010

curry night!

well we had a ridiculously delicious curry evening. this was preceded by ecuadorian coffee, banana bread and white choc chip & macadamia nut cookies after swimming most of the afternoon. we then began cooking for the curry night and then more friends joined us with even more food and i think i ate enough for a hippo. emmett made the best crepes with chocolate sauce and fruit on top! yum! after dinner we headed off to a local (huge) bash for two people's birthdays and enjoyed the live music and costumes there for a bit before walking home under the nearly full moon. i had to wait another hour before i could lie down without feeling like i was going to hurl from being so full. gross...portion control anyone? sadly claire, our partner in arms, has left us to return home.  she is going to be sorely missed and i am currently plotting ways to ensure her return.


  1. Looks like a fabulous evening. Can't wait to try some of your curry! I see that Jose is 'watching' the sports on TV with his eyes closed! If you formed your letter backwards, Nicole, does that mean you have body dyslexia?!

  2. haha mom you're funny! yes i suppose i do have body dyslexia...odd really. can't wait to serve you up some warm curry - come visit soon!
