Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy 2013! 1.1.13

it was a hot one today. we woke late, slept in, lounged around, and generally were sloths all day. it was heaven. it was also very hot - about 100 by 1pm or so.  perfect day to stay indoors with the air con on.  in the afternoon poor miski had a terrible nightmare - or we assume that's what happened. one second she was sleeping peacefully on the couch with me, the next she shot up and started running in circles, barking, whimpering and growling. it was funny and sad to watch. she was so upset, but nobody was there, no noises to be heard. i wonder what she'd had a dream about. tomorrow we head off to go camping at cheynes beach for two nights with miski. very exciting!


  1. Hello from home!
    Well, you two needed a rest after all the hard physical labor you put in on the patio work. I can see that it must have taken a lot of effort to remove all that debris. It looks so nice and open.
    2013 is here and it will be a wonderful year!
    Love and hugs from mom

  2. thanks so much mom! we hope we can finish before jose's leaves town :)
