Wednesday, July 18, 2012

we're officially homeowners!

kind of anticlimactic at this point but as of 11:15 am the bank took all our money and declared us home owners! it would have meant more i think if we'd been handed keys right away or something symbolic like that but we won't get keys until tomorrow morning.  i won't get into that but i've found the entire process really unpleasant and annoying, mostly because the agent was really rude and difficult.  enough complaining...we're now the proud owners of a mortgage!  i swing wildly between exuberance and terror. i suppose that must be normal.  anyway we are so excited to move in and finally have a really big, comfy bed and an awesome tv with skype on it.  will post pictures tomorrow or the next day of the move in process :)


  1. Exciting! ! ! ! CONGRATULATIONS. And, yes,
    your yo-yo feelings are completely normal!
    Love, Mom

    1. thanks mom! that's good to hear it's normal to feel that way. still doesn't feel real.

  2. How’s the house? I bet you were pretty excited knowing that you would wake up to a day when you can finally call yourselves homeowners! Well, even though you had an unpleasant experience with the real estate agent, it’s still good that you closed the deal for the house properly. Real estate agents should be the ones who make buying property easier. The agent you worked with doesn’t seem to be anything like that. Anyway, I hope you posted some pictures of the house here.
