Friday, July 20, 2012

moving into new house!

So we did it!  we moved in yesterday and man was it a long day. jose got the flu and was a real pain in the butt the whole day. i am still sick too but we had to get it done.  had the carpets cleaned, movers came and brought everything over, had all our furniture and stuff delivered.  that's the good news. the bad news is the owners said they were hiring professional cleaners and when we got here the house was DISGUSTING! it was SO filthy.  if i had known i'd have booked my own now we can't really unpack until we get it cleaned...on monday.  then we can repaint all the horrible colours off the walls.  then we had to put our incredibly heavy bed together.  wish i'd just paid the movers to do it.  live and learn. the house is great but it really needs some serious cosmetic work here and there - like the paint and new flooring.  nothing urgent but of course i'd like to do it asap. oh well. the backyard and front yard though are our main priorities - it is made for someone who loves cool plant overgrowth.  i prefer the sun and affordable water bills. so we're going to redo that as soon as we can afford it. anyway check out the rest of the photos for a gander.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nicole and Jose! Congratulations on moving into your home! I enjoyed all the pictures. It looks like quite a large place. Can't wait to visit! Love, Mom
