Saturday, July 28, 2012

painting painting and more painting...oh and smores!

we've only been in the house about 10 days - which seems hard to believe because it feels much longer than that.  not in a bad way just in an impatient way...i want to paint everything right away.  anyway we did get started this weekend and have gotten through the first coat of the dining/kitchen area (some of it) and accent wall in the bedroom. the bedroom has an undercoat only and will be the same red as the dining room. and i changed the sheets to a new pattern just for fun. and we've decided to do one accent wall in red in the dining room and the rest of the dining and kitchen area in grey.  hopefully it'll turn out well.  it is at least a massive improvement over the awful green that was everywhere in there.  can't do more than one coat a day here with how cold it's been and the damp air.  such a bummer.  but we'll get there. after we finish the many coats needed we'll tackle the living room.  we're also going to redo all of the trim and doors as's gonna take forever!!!  on a more yummy note - mom sent me a party in a box! i've been missing certain american items...such as marshmallows/graham crackers (smores!) and ketchup.  all kinds of random stuff.  she sent me all these things and i got to make jose his first smote ever!  he was skeptical at first and ate almost all my marshmallows before i noticed but loved them once i put it together.  yay! thanks mom!

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