Sunday, July 15, 2012

another birthday...

well another birthday has come and gone. i can't believe it's already july. i'll never get used to it being winter in july...feels all wrong.  not the greatest birthday ever but mostly because it fell on a work day.  jose brought me the most beautiful flowers to my office and then surprised me with cake and cards at home.  so that was lovely! we went out to dinner this weekend to celebrate and had great italian food!  we'll have a big birthday (his and mine), anniversary, house warming celebration once we've moved into the new house next thursday. finally!  the anticipation is killing me. miski meanwhile has made herself rather comfy as you can see above...


  1. What beautiful flowers! How sweet that was of Jose. Nice to see your cubicle space. Looks like you have some of your pictures on the wall to the right. Miski looks like a human all snuggled up on the bed with her head on the pillow and all covered up with a warm blanket. Such a princess! Has Nicole's place on the throne been usurped??!! Love, Mom

    1. yes, jose's made this birthday lovely and as painless as possible! i do have lots of our photos up at work - helps remind me about the important things in life. and sadly yes, i have been dethroned...but happy to give it up for a very cute furry creature!

  2. I knew I hopped on your blog for a reason. My Spidy senses told me it was your birthday! Wish I was there to celebrate with you. I just returned home from San Diego--yep, I went to Comic Con and braved the sea of geeks again. But enough about that...happy birthday Nicole. Hopefully Nick and I will stay in one of your comfy guest rooms in December 2013 :-) -Katie
