Sunday, July 24, 2011

first derby boab festival long table dinner

after driving back from windjana we had a lazy saturday afternoon at home before getting ready for the evenings event.  i lazed the hours away with miski in the backyard on my new (garage sale find) camping my outdoor lounge.  reading a book with the scent of fresh laundry in the air and hawks circling above and a happy puppy at my feet made the day absolutely perfect. just doesn't get better than that.  that evening we went to the very first derby boab festival long table dinner.  over 200 people were there. we had live entertainment (bands, story telling), raffles, a huge bonfire, unending bar with bubbly and other lovely things, great buffet dinner, fabulous dessert, great company and markers to draw on the table!  it was such a blast. next day hannah brought me the beautiful mark norval print she bought on my behalf at the art auction on friday night. we were at the play but i'd preselected a few i liked.  she bid and got one for me!  super very first art purchase.  see more photos in the Derby Dry Season 2011 Album  

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