Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mom's here!

mom finally arrived!  she got off the plane in our tiny broome airport.  it was so great to see her after such a long time! we went straight to dinner at noodlefish, a place i've been trying to go to for 9 months.  it was superb.  then we chatted a while and went to sleep at my friend's house.  woke up and spent a lovely lazy morning with my friend and then we went to the broome markets! went to a pearl shop, then target and the grocery store after that. then drove the 2 hours home to derby.  i showed her around town a bit that evening and mostly we visited at home and made yummy taco salad! next day we went to the prison boab tree, mowanjum art center, dinner tree, had naps and lunch and then to the jetty for drinks and nibbles. this week i've been at work and mom has enjoyed her time with her grandpup at home.  but soon we'll be off to windjana for a gorge visit!  see more photos here

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