Monday, August 15, 2011

joonjoo trail walk

after saying goodbye to my mom, hannah and i drove back to derby. we were both exhausted. i felt homesick like i've never felt before. jose and i had a quiet evening and then the next morning we got up very early to go to the joonjoo trail walk put on by the healthy eating promotion group in town. we were taken on the trail by one of the men who founded the creation of said trail. he explained a lot of the plants and history along the way. it was a lovely event. it's one of the only places left in the kimberley that hasn't had a fire - in over 40 years! so the underbrush is remarkable and the variety of plants more prolific and diverse. it was interesting to imagine what the kimberley used to look like before white people came and did scheduled burnings. we saw beautiful flowers. the one above is kimberley heather. below is a bush banana.  very cute. after the walk we had a yummy breakfast and then wiled our sunday away inside because it was so beastly hot.  the buildup is already upon us i fear.

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