Wednesday, July 20, 2011

concert on cable beach

drove to broome this past sunday for work but also for a concert held on cable beach to protest (unofficially) the gas plant that is schedule to go up soon.  such a shame.  the pigram brothers and friends were there to play for the crowds, and i got to hear some of my favorite songs by them! they were playing on a boat anchored just off shore. the media was there and so were thousands of supporters.  it was incredible. the day was beautiful and the sunset was as stunning as a wet season sunset.  it was one of those days you're even more thankful to be alive.  had a great time in broome, did a little work, a little shopping, and a lot of eating!  went out for japanese at azuki (always yummy) with friends for my bday.  had elderflower water for the first time...and bought a bunch to take home.  mom comes to visit soon!  just a week and a half to go now! i cannot wait!

1 comment:

  1. How sad about putting up a gas plant in such a pristine looking place. Your photo of the royal blue sky with puffy white clouds and the orange of the setting sun is really magnificent. The setting sun in the orange and yellow sky is also wonderful. Soon I will be standing there with you! Love, Mom
