Wednesday, July 20, 2011

mowanjum art festival

the dry season in derby is packed with really fun activities. one is the mowanjum art festival, held at the mowanjum art centre.  it's only 12kms out of town and had dijeridoo lessons, face painting, art exhibits, and later indigenous dances, music and songs.  it was a really lovely evening. i even got to try some gubinge juice mixed with agave to sweeten it. gubinge is a local bush fruit. it was SO good!  i also bought wild dried lemongrass and jilungin dreaming tea (a local plant) that's good for helping you sleep at night.  the lady who helped us patch our tires out on the gibb, and helped us get home essentially, found me in the crowd to say hi!  i thanked her again for her kindness.  i can't believe she remembered or recognized us.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun event. I enjoy dijeridoo music. How lovely of the good samaritan to find you at the event and say hello! Love, Mom
