Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Amaya Sky arrives

And on July 6th at 11:25am little Amaya Sky was born. She weighed 7lbs 14oz, 20 3/4inches long and had the most hair anyone had ever seen! It was jet black and she had beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes. She was longer than her brother was at birth, a little lighter and her feet were much much smaller. She nursed right away and has been a great eater ever since, nursing quickly and efficiently and packing on the pounds rapidly. It was a long labor (24 hrs active labor) and difficult birth with 5+ hrs of pushing followed by an episiotomy because her heartbeat was declining. She came out after two more pushes much to my relief and was floppy and not breathing. It took about two minutes but she started to breath and perked up fast. They tested her blood gasses and sugars repeatedly for 24 hours and she made fast and steady progress and total recovery thank goodness. It was a very intense and exhausting experience and I am so glad she's here safe and sound. Ryan's amazing daycare offered to keep him overnight while I was in the hospital so he spent 2 nights with Jeane and Tin-Lok and we are so blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives. He adores them so it was the perfect place for him to go while his world was being turned upside down.

Happy fourth and baby on the way

It has been far far too long since I posted. Since jose started his company over a year and a half ago. I've been so busy and I regret it now because I'll never remember all the cute daily things Ryan said and did. Well I'm going to try to pick up from here. This was the Fourth of July this year. I was very very pregnant and having contractions all day off and on. The next day I went into labor and I remember dinner on the 5th with Ryan and my mom and jose and I looked at Ryan and started to cry because I realised it was the last time I'd be just his mommy and suddenly that thought filled me with sadness and regret.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday morning stroll

Full of beans

Ryan loves to squeak and squawk and growl and roar these days. He's so cute. We took a walk on wed 17th and he could not get enough of these beautiful petals on the ground. He dug right in and threw them all around and was just in ecstasy. It is contagious. I love being around his happy little spirit. Everything is new and exciting and it is inspiring to see the world anew like that. I have learned so much from being his mom- to be thankful and positive and love life bc it is a gift. He waves hello and goodbye to everyone now. Sarah watched him Tuesday night when we had to do our talk. First time we both have EVER been away from him at night. It was terrifying for me. He went to sleep ok after I put him down and left but he woke 20 min later and fussed so sarah went in and he just lay in his crib as she sang him a song and stroked his back and he went back to sleep. I am so thankful he has her (and we have her) in his life and that she is comforting to him. He has a great attachment to her which is so lovely.

The poop fairy

Is who I am I guess. The other day at dinner Ryan, who now requests all kinds of games and toys and such, looked over and asked me for a hug (non verbally). I gave him one and he would not let go. Finally I undid his booster seat and just hugged him and sang him his current fav song-little boy blue. It was so sweet and then I realised he wanted comfort while he pooped! Too funny. Poor guy was a little blocked up and needed a cuddle to get things going. Ah mommies...we do it all. We are snot wipers, diaper bag holders, snack dispensers, cows, boo boo kisses and poop charmers. Wouldn't have it any other way. How amazing to be everything to a little sprite. At dinner he plays the sneeze game and asks for peekaboo around the chair back and wants to hold his own bowl and spoon and fork. He finger feeds very well now and wants bites of all of our food, no exceptions. We eat one pot meals more now bc of that. No drinks allowed or it becomes a battle. He asks for kiss after kiss and hug after hug from first mom and then dad and back and forth. He loves it. And he loves Eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses and we'll just about anything that strikes him as amusing. And he'll ask for it again and again and day after day. He also asks to kiss each of his stuffed animals in his room after he is changed. Kiss koala, wombat, doggie and snail. Koala is his favorite right now though and he gets a gigantic hug. So cute. He has tons of words now too both spoken and sign. Sign: more, on, off, up, hot, thank you, hello, goodbye, no, music, again, eat, drink, milk, fan, and so much more!! Spoken: dog, duck, woof, horses neigh, up, down, moon, mama, dada, bottle, ball, boing, airplane (baba), and so much more. They are all approximations of course but he used those reliably for these words. Pretty incredible.

Sea world on Valentine's Day

Yep so after our awesome day and lunch Ryan had a short nap and we headed to sea world for a quick shamu show before dinner and bedtime. He loved it of course and is getting more and more into these activities. He kept asking for more and more when the whales would jump out of the water. I had the next day off too which was lovely. Sadly I ended up getting sick that weekend and gave it to Ryan too so most of the time we spent feeling crappy and I didn't get as much done as planned. Ryan has just had a horrible stuffy nose. Then of course a few days later jose gets sick and gets it worse than us...or is it man flu striking again?! Hmmm. Anyways it's been full on at our house lately bc of being sick and all that. Also this week we gave a talk at adventure 16 in solana beach! We talked about trekking off the beaten path in peru and it went very well. We were nervous but 18 people came and were quite engaged. I guess maybe now I should feel grown up since I am married with a child and own a business but I admit I still feel like I am playing dress up. Weird. Most days I still find it amazing that I am a mom!

My two valentines

What a lucky lady I am to have had two handsome valentines this year! To celebrate we went out to a new sushi place by our house and had some awesome sushi, veg tempura, miso soup and lots of ginger. Ryan has his own prepacked lunch from home of course but today he sampled (and loved!) miso soup, veg tempura and even sushi! He tried it all and asked for more which is very cute. No raw fish for him of course but we gave him the cooked items. It was a lovely outing after our regular farmers market round. He's so good at restaurants too. He is quiet and observant. He loves to play with items but doesn't make a fuss or too big of a mess. He's such a lovely gentle kind soul. On the way out we saw this amazing fountain with a rotating sparkly ball on top with fish in the fountain. He was captivated of course and I'm sure we'll be back there again :) he got to use his new grown up straw cup which he didn't let go of all day. His back molars-the last four- are starting to move and he's been chewing like mad on his fingers and anything else he can stuff into his mouth.