Tuesday, September 29, 2015


My little guppy has really gotten into swimming. It's so cute. We got to class early and he was raring to go. Couldn't wait to get into the pool. He kept pointing at the water and vocalising. It was clear what he wanted! He loves the ball retrieval game we do first and kept saying ba, ba-ba and grabbing for the balls and kicking his legs and smiling and laughing. He then puts them in the bucket. He remembers that game each week. It's so cute! He is going under water more and more and getting more comfy with all aspects of the class. He's chattier after each class too. It's so fun to watch him blossom each class and see him make such rapid progress. He's cruising so well now too and he crawls so fast. He loves to play chase games and play his musical instruments. I just can't get over what fun he is :)

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