Thursday, September 24, 2015

First ever Gymboree!

It's been ages since I posted. It's been a very tough transition to the states for us. I'll post photos and info from the past three months soon. Anyway my little tiger is 10 1/2 months old and has a big personality these days. He's teething like crazy (now has 7 teeth!), rolled at 8.5 months, crawled 3 weeks later and is well on his way to taking his first steps! He makes these cute tiger like noises all the time and drums his fingers on his tray when he's bored and waiting for his meals. He loves to eat with our forks and is obsessed with cups of any kind. He loved Gymboree. He was very cautious at first and just looked around. Then he got into the balls and chewed hard on those. He pushed other kids away when they got too near his toys which surprised me. I've never seen that before. He got into it as the class went on and went through a tunnel and down a slide and up some stairs and up a ramp! He even rocked in a little wooden boat! He practiced lots of gross and fine motor skills and said buhbuh for bubbles! By the end he was confidently crawling up ramps solo! He also says da or dada for daddy, mama for me of course, bah for bottle (water bottle since he abhors baby bottles), duh for duck and dog, and buhbuh for bubbles! He points to things he likes and wants. He knocks on doors. He's been pulling to stand since 8.5 months and cruising since 9 months. He also nips me on the shoulder a lot - teething or love bites? He goes to the chiropractor, swim class and now Gymboree every week which is so much fun. We also try to get to the park at least once a week and the zoo a few times a month but it's been way too hot for that lately. He is mr independent and has the cutest laugh ever.

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