Saturday, September 26, 2015

Little cook and low rider

Ryan is changing in leaps and bounds! Every day he does something new and amazing. Yesterday he investigated the fridge contents and looked like he was planning a gourmet meal :) he babbled away as he pulled veggies out of the drawer. He opens the cupboards and talks to the pots and pans. He knows where we put things away that he likes to play with and finds them again and again. He asks to ride in his truck and sits in it like a low rider. It is so cute. And he honks the horn as daddy wheels him around the house! He is so interactive. He gives us stuff and asks to play games by pointing or making noises or handing us something like a ball. He Points to me when he wants me to keep doing something like playing with his toes or saying a funny phrase. It's so much fun. He is into everything!

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